Call for Papers
3rd Annual ConferenceChambers of Commerce
Theme: Looking to the future from an interdisciplinary social sciences perspective

>>> EXTENDED to September 30th, 2024 <<<

Hosted by: Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
in cooperation with: Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz


November 14th, 2024 – Plenary day (on-site + online access possible)
November 15th, 2024 – Networking (only on-site / in stationary mode)

Conference Venue:

Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72 (Staszica Palace), 00-330 Warsaw, Poland.

Conference language and submissions:

English only (no translations).

Submission: email with abstract.

Why talk about chambers of commerce when everything has already been described? Why seek new models and ideas? What new can be found in institutions that have been with us since the 19th century and, in a sense, even longer? Why waste time analysing possible changes?

Whenever we ask about the possible reconstruction of chambers in selected countries, we face the abovementioned doubts. In the opinion of political circles, the belief that existing solutions cannot or should not be changed is often dominant. Often, they are interested in something other than the existence of effective and efficient business organisations. On the other hand, entrepreneurs rarely believe in the possibility of gaining real influence on political decisions. Finally, the business environment ecosystem in many countries is an ecosystem that is very often in crisis, weak, bureaucratic, or incapable of presenting any coherent plan of constructive changes. However, the world in many dimensions is changing faster and faster.

The complexity of today’s and future economic processes requires, without doubt, knowledge, compelling dialogue, profound decentralisation, space for bottom-up initiatives, and a fair balance between enterprises of different sizes. Without these processes, the economy will sink into increasing stagnation and chaos (already visible worldwide), from which only a narrow group of the largest corporations (even nations) will benefit. We have been observing these processes worldwide since at least the 1980s. And they are constantly accelerating. The world is becoming less and less safe and predictable.

Therefore, we aim to find new theoretical models and practical solutions to better support business and the economy in the dynamic and turbulent 21st century. At the same time, we want to extend our multidisciplinary (law, economy, sociology, political science, etc.) research network to the international level to establish a unique team of researchers who investigate the critical issues of institutions and organisations in the business environment.

The field of research is outlined broadly because this is the nature of the challenges we face. Processes and relations in the economy are not a one-dimensional issue. Moreover, each country is slightly different and requires an individual prescription. In some regions, actions to improve the economic situation can be observed. To change the status quo. They may not work in other locations but may provide knowledge and inspiration. Business organisations everywhere, especially chambers of commerce, are essential in recovery processes. Unfortunately, we must set a thesis that worldwide discussion on their possible reconstruction (upgrade?) is limited. Instead, descriptions of problems and historical studies predominate.

So let’s look towards the future. Let’s analyse today’s situation in several countries and possible directions for change from the social sciences perspectives. Let’s recall and discuss the mission of the chambers of commerce. Their DNA. And ways in which they should be reorganised and effectively incorporated into the policy-making processes. The floor is yours. We hope to meet you and work with you in the future.

PhD students section!

In the networking section, on the second day of the Conference (Nov. 15th, 2024), we plan space for poster presentations by PhD students on chambers of commerce. The topic of the speech may be either a short description of the selected national system or any aspect related to the functioning of chambers from the perspective of any of the social sciences.

Business environment organizations constitute a crucial element of economic ecosystems. However, only some researchers focus on their operation and evolution. We would like to change this. We invite PhD students interested in economic, institutional, political, social participation and NGOs to cooperate with us. Each of these levels brings an interesting research perspective. Our open invitation to participate in an international conference is a unique opportunity to present your observations, gain experience and establish contacts. Perhaps it will also become a trigger for developing your exciting research directions in the future.

If you have an idea for a speech that you would like to discuss with us, please write to us.

Conference Themes. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Chambers of commerce – diagnose and possible evolution;
  2. Business environment organisations – ecosystem and roles;
  3. Consultation processes on socio-economic issues;
  4. Institutional factors and their role in economic growth;
  5. Governance quality and investment attractiveness;
  6. International networks – how we may and should cooperate?

CfP important dates:

  • Outline Submission Deadline: EXTENDED to September 30th, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: October 10th, 2024 (please note: early submissions will be confirmed on an ongoing basis)
  • Final Revision Submission: October 23rd, 2024


All presenting authors (of both competitive papers and posters) and invited speakers and guests attend the conference free of charge.


Authors are invited to submit original research papers, empirical studies, and theoretical contributions (in English only). Submitted outlines should adhere to academic rigour and follow the instructions attached to the call. Outlines will undergo a peer-review process to ensure scholarly quality. Competitive submissions will be accepted and presented during the plenary or networking day. Work-in-progress may be directed to the parallel sessions.

Submission of outlines:

Authors are required to submit an outline by sending a PDF file to the conference’s email address:

Outline structure (extended abstract):

The outline should concisely convey the contribution and topic information of about 300 words (including references). Please use the following headings:

  1. Title of the presentation
  2. Research problem: Clearly define the research context and explain the specific research problem addressed (highlighting its importance and relevance for the conference audience).
  3. Current understanding: Summarise prior research in the field, emphasising gaps in the existing literature.
  4. Research question: Specify the submissions’ goal.
  5. Research Design: Describe the research methodology/approach employed in the study.
  6. Findings: Present the primary outcomes and research results.
  7. Implications: Discuss the research implications for academia, business and policymakers.
  8. References: List 5 to 10 primary references.

Awards and Publications:

Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to provide full articles. They will be submitted for review and publication by our partner journals.

Special awards will be given for the papers/presentations submitted by PhD students.

Scientific Committee

  • dr hab. Anetta Kuna-Marszałek, prof. University of Lodz, head of the Department of International Trade, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Łódź
  • dr hab. Grzegorz Materna, prof. ILS PAS, head of the Competition Law Department, Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • dr hab. Dawid Miąsik, prof. ILS PAS, Department of European Law, Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • prof. dr hab. Janusz Świerkocki, retired professor at the University of Łódź, long-time head of the Department of International Tradeand Vice-Dean for foreign cooperation at Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Łódź
  • dr hab. Tomasz Dorożyński, prof. University of Lodz, Department of International Trade, Institute of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Łódź
  • dr Piotr Marciniak, Department of Competition Law, Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Organization Committee

For inquiries and submission details, please send an email to

>> More information about the Conference <<

With best regards,

Tomasz Dorożyński & Piotr Marciniak

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