“The evolution of socio-economic institutions, to which chambers of commerce belong, is natural due to the dynamic changes in economic processes and markets. The survey results discussed in the study draw a picture of today’s business environment organizations and entrepreneurs’ perception of their activities. Most respondents stressed the need for member support, including networking, as well as the need for organisations to play an active role in legal consultations. A possible change of the system of chambers of commerce in Poland from private law to public law should not be based on simple copying of foreign solutions. Research results and the selection of modern, effective model solutions should precede and become the basis for a good draft bill that will be understood and supported by entrepreneurs, the government, and other stakeholders.”

More int the article by Brzeziński K., Dorożyński T., Kretek-Kamińska A., Marciniak P., Korczyńska O., Towards a new sectoral model of chambers of commerce: Exploratory survey of business environment organisations in Poland, PUG 12/2024, pp. 2-16. Open access in 6 months.

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