Prof. Iván Medina, Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in Political Science at the University of Valencia, Spain officially joined our Chambers of Commerce – International Research Group as a Corresponding Member.

Prof. Iván Medina is Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in Political Science at the University of Valencia, Spain. His doctoral thesis (European Mention), defended at the Autonomous University of Barcelona under the direction of Prof. Joaquim M. Molins, won the prize (exaequo) for the best doctoral thesis of the Spanish Association of Political Science and Administration (AECPA), as well as the second prize of the Juan Linz Prize for the Best Thesis in Political Science (2011-2012) awarded by the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid and a visiting researcher at the universities of Edinburgh, Nova de Lisboa, and West of England (Bristol). His current research focuses on business associations, interest groups and transparency policies, which can be read in journals such as the Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, the Revista Española de Ciencia Política, the Revista de Estudios Políticos, the European Urban and Regional Studies and Contemporary Politics, as well as in collective works published by the main Spanish and foreign publishers. He is also co-author of the methodological notebook “Análisis Cualitativo Comparado (QCA)” published by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.

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