On March 17-19, 2025, two events (co-)organized by Management Geography (ManGeo) Research Group will take place:

1) Management Geography Research Group Pre-conference at Ritsumeikan University OIC. Researchers from Chambers.pl will present 2 projects / studies:

  • Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński (Univ. of Lodz) & Prof. Rolf D. Schlunze (Ritsumeikan University) will analyse: Geography, management, and institutional quality: What impacts the performance of the Polish Investment Zone and MNE embeddedness? A conceptual approach.
  • Piotr Marciniak, PhD (Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Science) will focus on: Chambers of commerce serve as a bridge for understanding local socio-economic conditions and business dynamics.

2) AJG Conference organized at Komazawa University, Tokyo, Symposium on Management Geography, Prof. Rolf D. Schlunze (Ritsumeikan University) & Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński (Univ. of Lodz) will present the outcomes of their research project: Sand in the gears – A case of a Japanese MNE in Poland analysed from a management geography perspective.

Chambers of Commerce International Research Group will be respresented there by: Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński & Piotr Marciniak, PhD.

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