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Conference update

>> PhD students section << in Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference

In the networking section, on the second day of the Conference (Nov. 15th, 2024), we plan space for poster presentations by PhD students on chambers of commerce. The topic of the speech may be either a short description of the selected national system or any aspect related to the functioning of chambers from the perspective of any …

General informationResearch visit

Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński’s Research Visit in Japan

From June 3 to 21, 2024, Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński, co-founder of the Chambers of Commerce Research Group, participated in a research stay at Nihon University in Japan as a visiting professor under the Overseas Visiting Professorship Program. He was invited by Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto from the College of Commerce, Nihon University and its Research Affairs …

Conference update

Agenda (draft) of Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference (Nov. 14/15, 2024)

We present the draft version of the November conference agenda. According to the plan, the first day will include plenary speeches and discussions, which will also be available online for registered remote participants. The second – networking sessions addressed exclusively to people present in Warsaw. Agenda (draft): Day 1 (Thursday, Nov 14th): Day 2 (Friday, …

Conference updatePrzegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego // Journal of Business Law, 12/2024, s. 2-16

Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego became the media patron of the “Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference”

Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego (Business Law Journal) is a scientific journal publishing since 1949. It holds 100 points in the Polish classification of scientific journals. It publishes Polish and EU articles in economic, commercial, civil, copyright, banking, financial and administrative law. It explains doubts in the field of application of law, analyzes in detail the economic …

Conference update

Meet us at 17th Eurochambres Congress in Antwerp (June 12/14, 2024)

A meeting of European chambers of commerce will be held on June 12-14 in Antwerp. Hosted by the Chamber of Commerce Antwerp Waasland in a city with a rich cultural and commercial history and vibrant modern-day economy, the congress will span two days of insightful plenary sessions, interactive workshops and networking opportunities. will be …