Prof. Joan Pere Plaza i Font is Professor of School of International Business. During the Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference, which will take place on 14-15 November in Warsaw, he will present a study prepared with Prof. Iván Medina (Universitat de València, Spain) and Prof. Joaquim Molins (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) entitled: “A new model for Chambers of Commerce in Spain? Explaining the impact of European programs on the modernization of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce“.
This is an extremely timely, future-oriented consideration of the possible evolution of public-law chambers of commerce both in Spain and worldwide. Since the financial crisis of 2007, Spanish Chambers of Commerce have faced a series of strong pressures, both from the government and from companies. The new Chambers of Commerce Law of 2013 established a hybrid model, whereby Chambers maintained their public status, but mandatory membership was eliminated. Chambers were forced to orient their activity towards providing services to companies, removing their function of representing business interests. Over the years, something curious is happening: Chambers of Commerce are participating in an increasing number of competitive European projects, which brings them a new source of income, but also forces them to comply with certain rules. In this sense, how does the intervention of an external agent (European Commission) contribute to the modernization of Chambers of Commerce? Study focuses on the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce during the period 2013-2023. Through interviews and documentary analysis, authors analyze the impact of its participation in European projects on its income, departmental structure, and relationship with their affiliated companies.