Wouter Van Gulck is the General Manager of the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce, which is the umbrella organisation of all accredited Chambers of Commerce in Belgium and Belgian Chambers abroad.

Master of Laws at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Business Management at the Vlerick Management School. Trade Commissioner for Flanders Investment & Trade in Johannesburg and New York between 1995 and 2004. Passionate about foreign countries, cultures, people and… CHAMBERS.

In 25 years the chambers of commerce in Belgium developed in a very powerful network that is listened to by politicians and businesses. Key success factors in this development are mergers between chambers, alliances with employers organisations and an independent accreditation programme.

In November 2024, during the Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference, he will explain the evolution of Belgian Chambers’ ecosystem in a speach: “Belgian chambers of commerce: from ugly duckling to proud swan”.

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