We present the draft version of the November conference agenda. According to the plan, the first day will include plenary speeches and discussions, which will also be available online for registered remote participants. The second – networking sessions addressed exclusively to people present in Warsaw.

Agenda (draft):

Day 1 (Thursday, Nov 14th):

  • Registration
  • Opening of the conference
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Coffee break
  • 1st panel – Researchers
    • Presentations – Speakers
    • Discussion panel – Researchers
  • Lunch break
  • 2nd panel – Chambers of Commerce
    • Presentations – Speakers
    • Discussion panel – Chambers of Commerce
  • Summary of the first day
  • Gala dinner

Day 2 (Friday, Nov 15th):

  • Opening of the networking day
  • Presentations – Researchers / Chambers
  • Networking session devoted to cooperation and comparative research
  • Coffee break
  • Establishment of an international research group
  • Poster session – speech of Ph.D. students
  • Summary of the Conference
  • Lunch
  • A walk with a guide to the center of Warsaw (for those interested)

Please stay updated.

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