From June 3 to 21, 2024, Prof. Tomasz Dorożyński, co-founder of the Chambers of Commerce Research Group, participated in a research stay at Nihon University in Japan as a visiting professor under the Overseas Visiting Professorship Program. He was invited by Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto from the College of Commerce, Nihon University and its Research Affairs Section.

He participated in several scientific meetings, research workshops, and valuable lectures focused on internationalization, institutions, governance quality, investment incentives, and the role of Japanese FDI for transition countries. During his stay, he also had the great pleasure of presenting the outcomes of his research projects to the Members of the Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises. He received many insightful comments and discussions from researchers representing leading Japanese academic centers (e.g. Kyoto University, Rikkyo University, Nihon University, Keio University, Gakushuin University, and Asia University).

Prof. Tetsuya Usui also invited him to give a lecture at Gakushuin University on Incentives for attracting investors.

Last but not least, he spent a few days at Ritsumeikan University (Osaka Ibaraki Campus) to continue another research project to develop and expand the field of management geography with the great Team of the ManGeo Research Group led by Prof. Rolf D. Schlunze. They had the pleasure of interviewing a leading Japanese investor in Poland as a part of a research project on the importance of Japanese FDI in Central Europe. They also discussed many current challenges for IB and management studies, e.g. the Three Factor model for doing research on agents with boundary spanning functions. He taught students about internationalization in turbulent times, governance quality, & institutions.

Finally, he invited researchers from Japan to participate in the Chambers of Commerce’s – 3rd International Conference, planned November ’23 in Warsaw, to share their experiences and perspectives.

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